
Free on 31st Oct 13 - 3rd Nov 13
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Fabulous adventure book with an educational twist for kids aged 7+

Hey there!

My name is Dynah Mite and this is my first awesome mission.

It all starts on an ordinary day. Well, as ordinary as a day could be in my family (which isn’t very ordinary at all by the way!). Boy, oh boy, was I in for a surprise!

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be a Super Secret Agent and go on crazy missions to catch the bad guys?

Well, one day I found out that my family (even grandma with her CARRAZZYYY hairstyles and my dog, Rigsby) were agents in the F.B.B. (Fabulous Baddie Busters), and that I was about to be sent on my very first mission.

Alonzo L’Artiste and his ugly gang of art theives have been robbing famous paintings from all over the world, and replacing them with their own terrible ones (and when I say terrible I mean TERRIBLE!!!!!).

Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ picture has disappeared and has been replaced by the ‘Bum Flowers’ (how rude is that!), and the Mona Lisa in Paris has been swiped and replaced with ‘The Moaning Loser’. You should see the pictures of Alonzo’s paintings in the book, they are awful!

Loads of other paintings have gone too. The paintings the gang have snatched are worth millions and squillions of dollars or pounds! And it was up to me and Rigsby (my awesome Agent dog) to find the Art Heist Gang, and get the paintings back.

Armed with an F.B.B. backpack crammed with Super Agent Gadgets (plus a few additional items from my mum) Alonzo and his ugly bunch of art theives didn’t stand a chance!

Jump on board for a non-stop adventure as I leap into my first Super Agent mission to Paris, France. 

Educational as well as hilarious!

Dynah’s stories are also a great educational introduction to interesting subjects for your children. In this first adventure you will find “Dynah’s Notes” at the end of the book with great facts about France (there are even some French words to learn), Paris, and great artists such as DaVinci, Van Gogh, Monet and Mondrian. Kids are encouraged to find out more and explore further, as well as create a picture to share on the dynahmite.com website.

Grab your copy of “Dynah Mite and the Great Art Heist” right now for you and your kids while this low introductory price is still available.

Free on 31st Oct 13 - 3rd Nov 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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