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Free on 6th - 10th Sep 15
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Literally Everything You Need To Know About Economics

Today only, get this Amazon kindle book for a limited discount. Regularly priced at $9.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

Look around… The global economy has changed the way we live and enables us to do amazing things. For the past 2 centuries, the face of the world has dramatically evolved as capitalism grows. The economy shapes our destiny and designs our lives by controlling our decision-making. If knowing economics principles was only a ‘should’ a few decades ago, it has gradually become a ‘must’. Nowadays, even though you don’t have to be an expert, there are some fundamental principles and ideas you have to know about economics.

It has been really challenging for me to write a book titled “Everything You Need About Economics”, as I don’t even think a single book can contain everything one can learn about economics. Still, I’m confident enough to say that I’ve packed in this book everything one must know about economics. I’ve created a book that contains the basics, the fundamental principles that anyone should know in order to say ‘I know how the world works’.

Here is a preview of what you’ll learn:

Interest rate Marginal utility The Law of supply and demand Graphical representations Fiscal and monetary policies Scarcity and Opportunity cost and so much more…

Some current issues must be solved, and even though you are not actively involved in solving those problems, you must at least be aware of them and understand thoroughly those issues. Inequality and poverty can be denied, but not ignored. Financial crisis and currency volatility is worth mentioning. Drawbacks on the globalization should be avoided. In order for us to make those changes happen, we all have to be at least aware of those issues. For students and non-students alike, this book is perfect to discover and understand the principles shaping our economic present and future. Written by a real expert, you can’t go wrong if you’re looking for accurate, authentic and easy-to-understand pieces of information.

Tags: economics, international taxation, basic economics, basic economics thomas sowell, basic economics sowell, economics in one lesson, economics, taxation, international, economics, international taxation, basic economics, basic economics thomas sowell, basic economics sowell, economics in one lesson, economics, taxation, international, economics, international taxation, basic economics, basic economics thomas sowell, basic economics sowell, economics in one lesson, economics, taxation, international

Free on 6th - 10th Sep 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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