The book is a story about a 14 year old boy called Elijah, who gets bullied at school, and about how he overcomes the bullies with the help of God. This book is written to help people from all walks of life however old they are, who are facing and going through similar situations of bullying and intimidation like my main character. In my book, the boy who is bullying the main character, is also being bullied by his dad. The Dad in turn is also being bullied at work. The headmaster of the school where the main character Elijah attends, is bullying his deputy head, and by the end of the story, all the circumstances are resolved.
Where's Chuckawalla Bill's Cabin?: A True Tale of Being Lost in the Hi-Desert
THE DEPTH OF HIS LOVE: Exploring the heartbeat of God towards the saved and the unsaved
Spiritual Growth through Fasting:: Navigating 14 Spiritual Paths with Purpose Book
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