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Free on 19th - 23rd Oct 14
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This Book Gives You The Essential Skills You Need to Identify Passive Aggressiveness, Dispel it And Deal With Passively Aggressive People

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Passive aggressive behavior is one of the most common psychological problems affecting people across societies today. Whether it’s that resentment you have towards your boss, that cunning behavior you have to get back at the people who hurt you, or that bottled up anger that makes you have negative perceptions towards others – it’s all passive aggressiveness.

This condition is usually acquired during early development, and is not easy to get rid of. When we’re growing up, we’re taught that it’s ‘bad’ to express anger in public. We’re told that we shouldn’t directly express anger within our relationships, and that certain natural emotions are better held up than honestly expressed. The effect of this is that it turns us into negative, less productive and sometimes even destructive people. This way, we fail to attain the highest heights in our relationships, and often maintain not-so-excellent relationships with our friends, bosses, colleagues, schoolmates, roommates and even family members.

This book helps you eliminate passive aggressiveness, and thus be a better person. A lot of the simple things that form the blueprint for the way you live your life are things that could be changed for better. In the first chapter, you’ll see exactly what passive aggressiveness is all about, and how it’s caused by simple, commonplace things you wouldn’t have imagined in your wildest dreams.

Chapter two of this book gives you some more insight into this condition, and demonstrates exactly how (and why) it’s so widespread in society. You’ll learn how certain perceptions, including the sad fact that anger is socially unacceptable, affect your life and bend your success on the wrong side of the scales.

Psychiatrists and medical professionals working in the fields of psychology define passive aggressive personality as a type of personality common with people who’re suffering from this trait. They argue that suffering (at any chronic level) from this condition significantly damages your relationships at home, your workplace, and school, as well as negatively impacts your chances of success in life.

By learning to leverage the right, workable and effective strategies, you will easily learn to dispel passive aggressiveness. Acknowledgement of the problem is the first and very crucial step, after which you will follow an activity-by-activity approach to completely rid yourself of this trait. Most people have to deal with passive aggressive individuals every day of their life, be it at their places of work, neighborhoods, social groupings or elsewhere. By learning how to relate with these individuals, you can unhook yourself from a lot of social-related stress, and typically learn how to control people who’ll always show resistance.

Regardless of your age, profession or location, this book gives you the essential skills you need to identify passive aggressiveness, dispel it and deal with passively aggressive people.

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Tags: passive aggressiveness, passive aggressive behaviour, passive aggressive man, passive aggressive husband, passive aggressive personality disorder, passive aggressive women, passive aggressive spouse, passive aggressive mother, passive aggressive wife, passive aggressive children, passive aggression

Free on 19th - 23rd Oct 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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