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The Power of Emotional Intelligence in 7 Steps

Have you ever wondered why there are many people who seem to have it all – money, high IQ, and impressive social circle – but they still suffer from depression? Has it ever crossed your mind why those who seem ‘happy’ outside will suddenly break down and take their own lives? Doesn’t it surprise you how those who seem to like they’ve got everything that they need end up miserable, thinking that they do not have anything at all?

Some people have all the mental skills, all the riches, and all the resources, but they still end up being unsuccessful. What does it mean? Success isn’t about getting all the things you need. It is about reaching a point of self-actualization, when one does not ask for anything more and is content with the way they live their lives. Success is about achieving happiness, despite lacking some things. It is about having the best mental and emotional disposition. Some people flourish in some areas of their lives, but in some aspects, they could be the subject of hatred. They may earn money, but they may be feeling extremely unhappy. There are some people who end up becoming rich but finding themselves miserable at the end of the day.

What were they lacking? Isn’t mental intelligence enough?

Apparently, it isn’t. The most successful people who are also happy do not attribute their success to their own mental prowess. In fact, they admit that their success will not be possible without the help of hundreds of people. It is the partnership and collaboration that they shared with the people around them that gave them the success and happiness that they have achieved. Most of the bestselling books on success discuss the importance of dealing with other people. Most of the most successful and respected people know that before you can do anything, maintaining a good relationship with people comes first. How were they able to create such meaningful relationships with people?

The answer is through Emotional Intelligence. More than mental abilities, emotional abilities can get a person farther than what he or she imagined. To acquire emotional intelligence, one should be able to recognize, manage, and utilize one’s emotions to his or her benefit. One should also learn about the emotions of other people and take care not to cause anyone any emotional harm. By learning how other people feel, one will be able to act accordingly, fostering an environment that works towards a common good.

This book is about the steps that you need to take to increase your EQ, master your emotions, and boost your social skills.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

What Is Emotional Intelligence and How Will It Help You?Manage Anger CorrectlyResolve Conflicts ImmediatelyRelieve Stress Improve Your Communication SkillsAnd Much


Download your copy today!

Become The Best Version Of Yourself Today!

Tags: relieve stress, improve communication, manage anger

Free on 8th - 12th Feb 16
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