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Free on 14th - 16th Jan 15
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Have you ever wondered why the Law of Attraction only works sometimes? Wouldn’t it be great to know exactly why?


I don’t believe anyone has ever claimed to have the key to creating as much coincidence as you can handle. Three or four a day? Five or six an hour? This is what I intend to teach you.

Is this some great new truth? No! Absolutely not. The subconscious mind was present long before Sigmund Freud ever wrote about it. He just started the discussion. Similarly, people have been using Personal Magnetism since time immemorial. History is filled with individuals, who in their time, made a huge difference. And I assure you, every one of those historic figures, possessed, and used, the power of Personal Magnetism.

Look at the world today. How is it that musicians and actors are idolized by millions? How do these stars do it? Talent? Yes — that is part of it. But when you consider, politicians and comedians wield the same power, you see that talent is not always necessary.

Be forewarned. If you decide to experiment and push this knowledge to it’s limits, you will stand witness to an unending torrent of coincidence and synchronicity. Of course, by that time, you know exactly how to stop the cascade if it all becomes too intense.

More important than a torrent of synchronicity: a new awareness of an unseen world, much more absorbing than the actual incidence of coincidence itself will slowly meld it’s way into your consciousness.

Let me explain. Years ago, when it was time for me to finally say goodbye to my teacher, she told me, “Someday, you will not have to travel from place to place, looking for teachers. You will be able to look within, and find any teacher you need.”

At the time, this sounded mysterious, and meaningless. Very much like a lot of her lessons. I was much more touched when she told me, “Now, there is nothing more I can teach you.”

Years later, it was her first statement that stuck with me. It must have been at least ten years later, when I finally realized that her prediction had actually come true.

And now, let me pass this promise on to you. If you take the time to study my lessons — someday you too — will be able to look within and find all the answers you need.

Free on 14th - 16th Jan 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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