
Free on 20th Aug 14
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Do you want to eliminate stress in your life? You can do it with this manual!

This highly practical guide shows you clearly and directly how to remove stress, anger, fear and worry by becoming more realistic, using 2,500 year old meditation and therapy tools and inspired by masters of nondual and Buddhist wisdom traditions including Dzogchen, Mahamudra, Zen, Madhyamika, Advaita and Tao. Jonathan Harrison teaches nondual and Buddhist meditation and psychology .

The guide explains how mental stress is created and how to remove it from your life in all its forms including anger, anxiety, disappointment, discontent, dissatisfaction, dread, envy, fear, frustration, guilt, humiliation, impatience, insult, misery, mistrust, regret, tension and worry.

Some of the topics covered in the guide:

– Stress and its elimination

– Practical issues

– Discovering what is real and what is not

– Eliminating worry about non-problems

– Overcoming anxiety, hope and fear

– Removing frustration and anger

– Finding comfort by eliminating fixations

– Minimizing the effect of physical and mental pain

– Letting your expectations adapt themselves to reality

– Improving your choices and decisions while avoiding guilt

– Respecting your thoughts without believing them

– Cultivating beneficial relationships

– Generating immunity to praise and criticism

– Achieving total freedom

In the first chapter, “Stress and its elimination”, Jonathan Harrison shows how, in order to see how stress is created, you need to understand three things:

– The way you think about things

– The way things really are

– The results of confusing these

The way you think about things:

You see the world as structured, split into separate parts which may be in conflict. Your particular mental structures consisting of your personal opinions and concepts is the result of many factors including your genetic makeup, parental upbringing, social and cultural environments and the way you have perceived, internalized and acted on your experiences. These mental structures develop and change throughout your life. The world as you see it is largely a reflection of your mental history. What you think is an original creation of your mind.

The way things really are:

Reality, the world as it is, is neither inherently split (dualistic), nor unified, neither structured nor unstructured. It just is.

This is so simple that most people do not understand it.

Ending stress

It is enough to grasp deeply how things really work. The past has gone, is unalterable, the future is non-existent except as your present expectations, and

Free on 20th Aug 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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