
Free on 8th - 12th Nov 23
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Composition and essay writing remain an important part of the high school English curriculum which is usually tested in every high school English language examination.
Unfortunately, most high school students struggle to do well in composition and essay writing aspect of their schools’ English examination. It is pertinent to also note that, the ability to communicate effectively in writing as an English user is one of the hallmarks of a proficient English speaker and user.

For this reason, this “Composition and Essay Writing Workbook” has been published. The purpose is to provide a writing resource which can help and assist high school students do well in the composition and essay writing aspect of their respective schools’ English examinations.

Luckily, the workbook hasn’t left its users to carry the burden of writing good compositions and essays alone, it has provided helpful guidelines to help learners write near flawless and error-free compositions and essays. Each page of the workbook carries important writing guidelines in form of a footer to remind learners of the basic writing rules.

The workbook contains a wide-ruled 200-paged writing space which students can use in writing and answering questions on composition and Essay in the class. The workbook’s dimension is 8.5 × 0.37 × 11 inches. The paper quality is top-notch and the cover too is fascinating. The workbook book adopted a wide-ruled style so as to provide ample space for teachers to make necessary corrections while marking their students’ essay.

Consequently, high school learners, as well as everyone who desires to improve his or her composition/essay writing skills, will do well to get a paperback copy of this workbook for improved composition and essay writing experience. Welcome on board!

Free on 8th - 12th Nov 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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