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Carlos Slim Helu

Bill Gates

Amancio Ortega

Warren Buffett

Larry Ellison

What do these men have in common?

Bad Hair? Yes! But not the reason I put their names together. No, in fact, these men all share something else far more substantial in common. Money.

These men hold the top five spots on the “2013 Forbes Billionaires List.” That means that these individuals are the five wealthiest men in the world (at the time of this writing).

How much does that equate too? A whopping two hundred and ninety-three BILLION dollars ($293,000,000,000) in combined assets. Or enough money to buy…well, just about anything!

Which brings us to the most important question of: How did they do it?

Are they lucky? Are their successes a fluke? Does God just like them more? Perhaps… but I personally tend to believe there’s FAR more to it than simply things completely out of our control. This is both a cursing and a blessing.

A blessing because, if the reasons behind their successes are physical and mental traits (or habits), then they can be learned and imitated.

However, I also said this could be a curse. Why? Well, because it requires action. It’s not enough to just want something, or even know how to obtain it. No, you have to go a step further, and actually act strategically in order to achieve success.

However, don’t be discouraged. You will clearly see for yourself in the following pages that it’s not as difficult as some people (excuse makers) claim! With the right knowledge and hard work, you can easily adapt many, if not ALL, of these highly effective habits into your own life. This will give you the best chance at acquiring wealth (if that is your goal), and at the very least guarantee a maximization in your productivity, time management, and self-discipline!

Scroll up to the top now and get your copy of “Rich Habits” today!

Free on 20th - 21st Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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