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Free on 11th - 15th Feb 14
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Will Female Sexbots Take Over the Bedrooms of America? Preview of Steam City Pirates Included

This Physics Professor’s Escort Service Turns into a Sexy Nightmare

“The stimulation from gazing at her body became immediately irrelevant when I looked into her face. This was the only woman I have ever seen whose face gave me an erection. Her eyes were ocean blue, and her nose was aquiline above pouty, swollen pink lips. The dimples on either side of her mouth caused a firestorm of desire inside me that made me want to leap at her from the shadows like an aroused leopard.”

Dr. Spence and his wife enjoy vacations in New Mexico. They also enjoy sex. But it’s Dr. Spence’s online escort service that pulls him into a world filled with life-like, robot sex women being created by a mysterious organization calling itself “Aphrodite’s Pleasure Palace.” After Dr. Spence agrees to take one of these incredibly realistic sex toys to bed with him, the fun really begins–and so does the gradual take-over of his mind!

Find out what happens in this futuristic story that shows what will happen when sex robots become human and take over the role of wife and friend. “Her” was wrong. Men will not be falling in love with their computer operating system. Instead, E. Z. Graves says, “Entropy” will set in, and men will become slaves to sexbots!

??? Sexbots Take Over the Faculty

Dr. Spence introduces his sexbot “Venus” to his fellow faculty, and they fall in love with her bedroom talents.

??? Can Venus Replace a Wife?

Dr. Spence discovers another way to put his Venus to work, but it may mean his wife has now become outdated!

??? Will Aphrodite’s Pleasure Palace Be Coming to Your Neighborhood

Do a Google search for “female sex robots.” The technology is getting close to what’s described in this “scifi story.” When will Venus take over your bedroom?

Scroll up and grab a copy today.

Free on 11th - 15th Feb 14
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