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HOLISTIC WELLNESS COACHING: Fight Stress with Natural Therapies and Feel Amazing in Your Body. SECOND REVISED EDITION

Are you looking for more balance and zest in life?

Do you feel like you get anxious and nervous, for no particular reason?

Do you think that you could accomplish more if you were more relaxed?

Would you like to feel more centered, focused, and mindful?

Are you interested in natural wellness treatments for health and relaxation?

Would you rather avoid standard, chemical, and anti-anxiety pills?

Your search stops here! “Holistic Relaxation” offers a unique and non-complicated natural therapy coaching that can help you fight those anxious feelings and daily stress.

My name is Marta, and I am a certified massage therapist, as well as a holistic wellness coach. I am in love with natural and holistic therapies because they helped me increase my quality of life, as well as leading me to a calmer and more focused state of mind. I know what it is like to struggle with anxiety and having no zest for life. You simply feel trapped…. You see other people feeling happy and relaxed, and you feel like you are missing out on life. This is what was happening to me before I finally discovered the amazing world of holistic therapies.

Some people, including me, are more prone to anxiety attacks, as well as increased stress on a daily basis. I am quite a nervous person by nature, but I believe we all have some really powerful tools to fight it if we want to. The solution is to think of our problems in a holistic way and try to get to the root of any imbalances in our bodies and minds.

Feeling like anxiety is taking over? Feeling overwhelmed for no reason?

Would you like to feel light, happy, and stress-free?

I have written this book to show you how you can utilize very simple techniques that are FREE, easy, and effective. These include:

• Simple Meditation

• Music Therapy

• Relaxation Techniques

• Breathing Practices

“HOLISTIC RELAXATION” will also teach you all about Natural and Holistic Therapies that are very inexpensive and EXTREMELY effective. They get to the root of the problem instead of just masking the anxiety symptoms. Some examples are:

• Homeopathy

• Bach Flower Remedies

• Phytotherapy

• Balanced Nutrition

• Aromatherapy

Natural Therapies are not only about herbs; there is also focus on body work and massage. Throughout my book, you will get enough motivation and encouragement to also try:

• Massage Therapy that is centered on helping anxiety, stress, and depression

• Body Work like yoga and tai-chi. They are all about taking consciousness of the PRESENT MOMENT and soothing your body and mind

Would you like to learn more?

Scroll up and take POSITIVE ACTION TODAY.

Bring back balance, peace, and happiness to your life. We only live once… Let’s enjoy it and keep stress and anxiety at a bay!

Free on 22nd Jan 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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