Ori Arazi was born in Tel-Aviv in 1962 and was abandoned in
the hospital after his birth. He lived in an orphanage for a year
and three months. Afterward, he was adopted. His father was a
successful lawyer and his mother was a microbiologist. When
he was twenty-seven years old, his father died, and a year later,
his mother died. Several years later, he opened his adoption file
and met with his biological mother and two siblings, who he is
in contact with until the present time.
Erez Maor – Outsider is an episodic novel and each chapter is
a self-contained story. Using first person narration, the book
unravels Erez Maor’s life story after his abandonment by his
mother, a young woman of Yemenite descent, and his adoption
by an affluent couple of Russian-Polish descent. Erez does not
remember his early childhood, but he assumes that he was
adopted because he doesn’t resemble his parents at all. Despite
the deep identity crisis he experienced, he describes most of
his childhood and youth in an optimistic tone – as a child and
youth he finds escape in books and adventures with his friends.
Cover Photo: Anna Arazi R.I.P
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