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Body Lotion for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide to Making All Natural Body Lotions for Glowing, Youthful Vibrant Skin & Healing Babies and Children with Aromatherapy for Beginners: Proven Steps on How to Use Essential Oils and Aromatherapy to Care for Babies and Children


The skin is more than just the covering of our body. It is the body’s largest organ, and it has important roles in ensuring the healthy functioning of the entire body. One of the skin’s major attributes is that it is semi-permeable. Because of this feature, certain substances can penetrate the skin while other substances are blocked. Therefore, the skin both protects and nourishes the body. To explain, several toxins are sweated out through the skin and there are lots of nutrients that are absorbed in the body through the skin. Bacteria are blocked from entry in the body, and essential body fluids are contained.

In order to keep the skin supple and in good condition, effective skin care is needed so it will look beautiful and carry out its function perfectly. Using natural substances like essential oils, fruits, flower waters, honey and others in homemade lotions can provide different skin treatments for all types of skin. The body lotion recipes in this ebook are easy to make and are all natural and healthy. They are also cheaper than the commercially available lotion that you would normally buy. Furthermore, you can experiment with and test other skin care ideas.

Body Lotion Topics…

Body LotionsBasic Ingredients and Equipment Used in Making Natural Body LotionsBasic Instructions in Making Lotion Homemade Body Lotion RecipesBenefits of Adding Essential Oils in your Homemade LotionSafety Colorants for LotionMuch, much more!

Healing Babies

Babies’ skin is often sensitive and that’s why you have to be careful with what you apply to them. And since you are going to make use of essential oils, you need not worry much because these oils come from natural sources which mean that they are safe to use.

However, since you are dealing with babies here, it would still be important to keep in mind some tips, such as:

• Do not use essential oils for babies younger than 3 months old. During this stage, babies are extremely sensitive and it would still be best to check with your doctor first before applying anything on them. Lavender and Chamomile are the first two oils that you can use for babies. Don’t use eucalyptus oil unless babies are over 2 years of age as this may be too extreme for them.

• Dilute the oils with water well before using so that the oils will not be too strong for the babies.

• 1% dilution or 5 drops essential oil to 2 Tbsp carrier oil is good for babies up to 2 years of age. After which, you can use 2% dilution or 10 drops essential oil per 2 Tbsp carrier oil already.

• And, you also have to make sure that you use only pure, essential oils. Synthetic oils and overly fragrant oils have no healing properties and won’t make your babies/children feel better.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Introducing Babies to AromatherapyBaby Massage OilsEssential Oils for Bath timeEssential Oils for Skin HealingEssential Oils for Inhalation and Room DiffusionEssential Oils for TantrumsEssential Oils for Coughs, Colds and FluEssential Oils for Other Ailments and Health PurposesMuch, much more!

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Free on 18th - 22nd Oct 15
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