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Soap Making For Beginners: A Guide to Making Natural Homemade Soaps from Scratch, Includes Recipes and Step by Step Processes for Making Soaps & The Beginners Guide to Making Your Own Essential Oils: Complete Guide to Making Your Own Essential Oils from Scratch & To Improve Your Health and Well-Being

Soap Making

This book is perfect for those who want to make their own soap but do not know where to begin. Soap making is a fun and rewarding hobby that you can also turn into a business once you have successfully made your first batch of soap. In this book, you will get to know the different ingredients, tools and processes on how to create soap.

Soon you will get to know the basic steps on how to process soap. There are mainly two basic processes, the Hot Process and Cold Process. But before moving on to these two, let’s first discuss a very useful online tool that you can use in formulating the perfect soap recipes.

Soap making is a fun filled activity that anyone can enjoy. The sense of accomplishment in producing something that is useful in everyday life can build one’s self confidence and self esteem. You can even add a personal touch in the soaps that you will make by adding some of your favorite oils and scents.

Natural soap has a greater advantage in terms of skin moisturizing than commercially manufactured soaps because of the ingredient glycerine that will be left in the soap. In commercially manufactured soaps, glycerine is filtered out of the soap and sold as a different product. Glycerine is an ingredient that is responsible for retaining water in the skin, leaving it soft and moisturized.

Homemade soaps can be used as gifts to your friends and relatives during the holidays. Surely, they will appreciate the effort you put into making the soaps as well as the skin health benefits they have. These homemade soaps can be income generating as well, for you can sell your nice smelling products in stores that support selling of natural and homemade goods, or in the internet.

If you have always wanted to know how to make soap, wanted to have the recipes that will eliminate those unhealthy products your using everyday on your body! Then you need to act! And act now, stop using cancerous products that harm you and your family!

Making Essential Oils

First ever available book on making essential oils!

Do not be fooled! There are plenty of books that discuss the making of essential oils sure, but these books are about taking pre-made essential oils and adding ingredients to making a specific kind of essential oil such as lavender or nutmeg.

These books are common! This is where your gonna get something different! This book discusses the process of actually making essential oil base ingredients before adding items to make a specific kind of essential oils.

Do you not want to make your own product from scratch?

Control the entire process from start to finish!

So start today by downloading this original copy of making your own essential oils!

Making Essential Oils Discussed…

What Are Essential OilsAn Easy Way To Make Your Own Essential Oil At HomeHow To Make Your Own Essential Oil At Home Through DistillationHow To Use Oil To Extract Essential OilEssential Oils: Uses And BenefitsList Of Essential Oils And Their UsesMuch, much more!

Free on 5th - 9th Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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