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Discover Everything You Need to Learn Essential Parkour!

FREE BONUSES FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY: If you download this book TODAY, you will receive:

Access to all the latest Survive Travel publications FREE!Bonus chapter the amazing Survival Fitness Plan Super Burpee – An extremely efficient exercise which acts as a warm-up, light stretch, and full body muscle conditioning workout all in one.Bonus chapter 15 minute whole body yoga routine to stretch and strengthen your body.

Essential parkour movements are those which, with basic parkour training, would be relatively safe to use on a whim, i.e., if you were running away from someone in an unfamiliar area.

There are no “fancy” freerunnning movements in this parkour training book. It is pure parkour movement and parkour strength training!

LOOK INSIDE Essential Parkour Training: Basic Parkour Strength and Movement to see everything that’s included!

Essential Parkour Training Includes

…everything you need to develop the ability to get from one point to another as efficiently as possible!

Essential Parkour Training follows a philosophy of progressive training which is extremely important in parkour for breaking through fear as well as for safety.

Each parkour lesson is presented using progressive parkour training steps.Written in simple language and accompanied with easy to follow pictures where needed.

The parkour strength training and movements in this book are split into six sections according to the type of movement:

Safety. Parkour is not a dangerous activity as long as you progress slowly, do not take unnecessary risks, and learn the correct safety techniques.Warm-ups and Conditioning. Use fundamental parkour movements such as balance and quadrupedal movement to warm-up and condition the body for more advanced parkour skills.Running and Jumping. Sprints, hurdles, precision jumping and other movements to get you over or between obstacles without making contact with them. This section also includes explanations of parkour runs and games.Vaults. Nothing but the essential vaults needed to overcome any medium sized obstacle including the safety vault, speed vault, kong vault, reverse vault, and more.Wall Movement. Cat hangs, wall runs, wall climb-ups and other movements to use when negotiating obstacles too big to vault.Bar Movement. Bar focused movements that have not been covered in previous sections such as laches, underbars, muscle-ups, etc.

Get your copy of Essential Parkour Training NOW and discover everything you need to master basic parkour strength and movement!

Read Essential Parkour Training

and build characteristics transferable in all areas of life.

A basic parkour workout is a fun and challenging way to keep fit.See the world around you in a new light.Increase your imagination.Overcome fear.Build confidence.Parkour for kids, adults, male, and female.

… and much, much more!

Get your copy of Essential Parkour Training NOW and discover everything you need to master basic parkour strength and movement!

Free on 10th - 14th Jul 17
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