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Free on 18th - 22nd Oct 17
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This book is for everyone

Exercise is a part of our lives that many of us take for granted. We tell ourselves that we are too busy or too tired, too broke or just don’t want to do it. No matter the excuse, it is never a valid one as your body is designed for movement.
This book will do many things. It will teach you about exercise, why your body needs it and what the best ways of doing it are. It will provide a greater context to health and wellbeing, as well as touch on optimal breathing exercises and meditation, which many consider to be gym for the mind. Furthermore, we will take a look at diet and the role that it plays in your body, specifically in conjunction with the exercises in this book. Certainly, this book will do many things… but it cannot get you off the couch. That is up to you.

The format of this book

This book is made up of ten exercise routines that you can do from the comfort of your own home. You will be able to see which muscle groups are being worked, so that you can select routines that are in line with your existing workout plan. Once you find one that works for you, stick to it for six to eight weeks, because this is the minimum amount of time that it takes for your body to anatomically adapt. During this phase, your muscles, nerves and hormones get accustomed to learning new movement patterns, and your brain recruits muscle fibres and facilitates neuromuscular coordination.
Once you have been committed to your workout plan for this amount of time, you can change it up and select a new plan for the next six weeks. In keeping with a dynamic workout, you are able to dramatically increase the effectiveness. A plan that remains consistent for too long causes your muscles to reach a plateau and you hit a ceiling. At this point, you are no longer making progress with your workout. Muscle stagnation is exactly what we all want to avoid.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Beginners workoutBlast All Bodymedicine ball workoutbetter butt workoutStatic vs. Dynamic Stretching

Free on 18th - 22nd Oct 17
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