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Free on 8th - 12th Aug 24
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From the moment I met Evie Grant, I was captivated. Her brilliance and determination drove me to excel. Determined to be close to her, I positioned myself as her rival, using every challenge to engage with her.

When we collaborated on a groundbreaking project, I saw my chance to truly connect with Evie. But just as our relationship began to blossom, a rival CEO exposed our private lives to the media. This scrutiny nearly cost us our investors, forcing us to pretend to be engaged.

Haunted by my past and afraid to reveal my true feelings, I wondered if Evie could see beyond our facade. Amidst chaos and controversy, I realized love could be the ultimate game-changer. Together, we must rewrite the rules of success and forge a new path forward.

Free on 8th - 12th Aug 24
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