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“This is crazy,” I said in disbelief. “I keep thinking I’ll wake up one day and all of this will just be one big misunderstanding.”

“Do you want to wake up?” he asked me. I thought back to the very first moment I laid eyes on Caleb, and all the crap that had happened since. My life was a mess and a lie. I was in physical danger, and lusting after someone I could never have.

“Not all of the time,” I said, my breathing becoming shallow. “Sometimes I’m scared I’ll wake up and realize that the best parts of this nightmare, are just a dream.”

Sixteen year old Pria Jensen thinks that she’s living a normal and happy teenage life. That is, until she meets Caleb, and discovers that life hasn’t happened yet.

When Pria find’s herself at the center of an ageing battle of myth, and extreme power, she must put all her faith into the very person that seems to have the least answers- herself. As Pria learns more about Caleb and where he really came from, she quickly learns to accept that reality, is not what she thought it was . And when Caleb vows, for his own reasons to help keep Pria alive, she has no choice but to ignore the whispers of her heart, and trust Caleb no matter what. Even if he has secrets of his own…

Book one of the Falling Awake Series

Intended for ages 16+ Moderate swearing and under age drinking.


Free on 1st - 2nd Jun 15
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