
Free on 26th - 30th Oct 17
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Blake, Perry, and Michelle return to Keersh to save seven-foot tall, four-armed aliens from the local population.

Blake, Perry and Michelle emerge onto the world they had visited in City Of Phase but 1400 years earlier, only a century following the crash of the colony ship that had brought everyone. During a celebration of the 100th anniversary of their arrival, a ship crashes carrying a species that had once attacked the fledgling colony many years before and had sworn to leave them alone.

Harold Andersoppen is the head of the society that maintains the sacred terraforming device that the people are convinced that the aliens tried to attack in order to destroy since they believe they will die without the terraformer in place. He believes the aliens are mounting a second invasion and only sees the visitors as cold-blooded killers. Seeing the crash as an honest accident and not an attack upon the people, Blake tries to persuade the people to help, but he is taken away along with the crash survivors.

Assisted by a descendant of the officer who had written the ship’s log that Perry and Blake had seen in the future, Perry and Michelle attempt to break out the captured aliens and Blake only to have some of them recaptured along with Michelle instead. They learn from the aliens that they are part of the interplanetary federation that Earth is in and realize that if the locals can get past their fear of these visitors, they might be able to make contact with Earth.

Desperate to assist these aliens in their hour of need, the team divides while Michelle is held captive and tries talking sense into Andersoppen. Blake reveals the truth behind the terraformer’s operation to a local scientist, and with the assistance of one of the aliens, attempts to contact their home planet for a rescue while Perry tries to convince everyone else that the aliens are harmless and that judging them according to local law could put everyone’s lives in jeopardy before Andersoppen puts them all to death along with Michelle and anyone else they believe worked with the aliens to bring about their demise.

The Maze is an ongoing series initially released every two weeks and monthly starting with book 7:
1. City Of Phase
2. The Kursas
3. The Off-Worlders
4. False Invasion
5. Ancient Visitors (September 2017)
6. The Terraformers (October 2017)
7. The Secret Of The Wood (November 2017)

Visit www.georgewillson.com to join the mailing list and keep up with new books.

Free on 26th - 30th Oct 17
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