
Free on 28th Sep 24 - 2nd Oct 24
View on Amazon.co.uk

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After the huge battle with a leech nest, Abel now has the key to Castle House, a big old house wreathed in lethal magic. But the key only opens the first door, leading him to the next clue. His friends want to help but the house won’t let them, and even the first puzzle needs sorcerer-level magic. Luckily Abel has something up his sleeve, or rather in his tattoo!

Even so, he’ll need another missing key, and a way through all the other doors, before he can reach the mystery at the centre and claim his heritage. Along the way someone might work out just who or what a Fraggon is.

Abel might make faster progress if sorcerers and an Archbishop would be a little more helpful. Even his solicitor, magical of course, can’t tell him what waits inside Castle House. Worse, magic isn’t helping Abel very much with schoolwork, keeping magical secrets from his mum, or a new schoolgirl he likes much more than he ever expected.

With so many Taverners mastering their basic glyphs, some begin to think that magic gives them privileges and power. Abel and his friends, backed by Ferryl Shayde, decide to set out some rules.

It all seemed so simple, but as with most things magical, a big explosion is only a careless moment away. In a few frantic minutes, Bonnie’s Tavern becomes a completely different sort of game!

Free on 28th Sep 24 - 2nd Oct 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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