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Free on 25th - 27th Jun 17
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Canned. Fired. Laid Off. Terminated.

Nearly 50,000 people lose their jobs EVERY DAY.

Are you one of them? Have you recently lost your job? Are you worried about what’s going to happen with your career next? Are you battling emotional issues such as self-doubt and anxiety?

Before you burn down the building, read this first.
Fighting FIRED With Fire offers guiding solutions to help cope with job loss, relatable stories from others who have experienced job loss, and invaluable tips on how to start rebuilding a career that you love.

Job loss sucks for anyone. No matter what your life situation, whether you’re married or single, have kids or no kids, own a home or rent an apartment, it can be the scariest time in your life and certainly can be viewed as a significant career setback.

If you’ve recently experienced job loss, you may not know where to turn for words of encouragement, what to do next or how to overcome this obstacle. Fighting FIRED with Fire will show you that you’re not alone in this career transition.

This book offers readers:The author’s own personal trip-ups and successes in her job loss journey Real-life job loss stories from those who have experienced this career setback Tips for dealing with the variety of emotions to expect over the next few months and how to constructively cope with them Expert advice from professionals who’ve been on both sides of the table How to turn this temporary setback into a silver lining for your career and your life Four easy-to-follow action plans to guide you on a successful transition
Follow the advice in this book and you’ll have more confidence to bounce back and build a career and future you can be excited about! I promise that after reading this book, you will find comfort in knowing that you’re not alone, that you can overcome this temporary career setback and go on to experience a meaningful career that you’ve always dreamed of.

The career re-building and passion igniting tips, tricks and stories will encourage and inspire you to take action and let success be your ultimate revenge. All you have to do is read each section, follow the easy-to-follow action plans at the end of each chapter and hold yourself accountable. That’s it! Take control of your career, know you’re not alone.

So what’s stopping you from showing your friends, loved ones and colleagues that you’re a survivor they can be proud of? Prove to yourself that you are fearless and can overcome anything. The sun will still rise in the East tomorrow so get up, dust yourself off and start the next exciting chapter of your career today!

Scroll to the top and click the “buy now” button.

Free on 25th - 27th Jun 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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