Author: Genre: Length: Novelette

Free on 15th - 19th Apr 17
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There is no better way to explore the world, enjoy a relaxing vacation, and experience a once-in-a-lifetime adventure than taking a cruise! Cruising is becoming more and more popular for vacationers and holiday-makers, and it’s no mystery why. With entertainment, luxury, and destinations for everyone, the cruise industry is focused on providing an amazing experience for every type of passenger.

Booking your first cruise can be somewhat intimidating however. You’ll be stepping into an entirely different world with its own language and etiquette, filled to the brim with different options from each cruise liner. Which one is the best fit? Will it have everything you and your family need onboard? What can you expect on this new type of adventure? In this book, you’ll learn everything you need to know to become a pro on your first cruise.

In this book you will learn about:

the benefits of an all-inclusive cruise, what kind of amenities you can expect, and where to find the best prices.the best way to cruise with your kids, the expected common courtesy onboard, and tips from seasoned cruise travelers. the ins and outs of using the internet while cruising, important ways to prevent and keep from getting sick, and all the new nautical terms you’ll need to know.the basics of the ever-popular tropical cruises, the adventurous Alaskan cruises, and all the different opportunities and options that come with themed cruises.
Cruise ships are in the business of making sure that you are entertained, relaxed, and taken care of, no matter how old you are, where you want to go, or what your ideal vacation looks like. Use these tips and guides to discover what type of cruise experience would be best for you. Where and how do you book a cruise? Are their specific cruises for the LGBT community, the elderly, or families with young kids? Should you go for a tropical or archeological vacation? Will there be internet or babysitters onboard? Which side is starboard? You will learn all the fine details and answers to questions that are important to you.

You are about to take your first steps on an adventure unlike any you’ve taken before! If you’re considering booking your first cruise or about to embark on one for the first time, this book will give you all the information you need to get the most out of your vacation. So get ready, get excited, and get ready to set sail on your best vacation yet!
Bon Voyage!

Free on 15th - 19th Apr 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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