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Free on 26th - 28th Jun 16
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How to learn kanji and grammar is included!

Why can’t we learn Japanese from anime and manga? It is in Japanese after all! Why can’t we combine love for anime and manga and love for the Japanese language? If there is an ample supply of Japanese that we enjoy, surely there must be something we can do. If fans can learn simple things like chotto matte just by watching anime, what is the next step? Surely, all of us who maintain a relationship with the truth can agree that watching anime with English subtitles does not make us fluent in Japanese. Something else must be done.

Studying manga and anime like a textbook does indeed sound silly and a bit baffling, but some folks do exactly that. A quick internet search will reveal there are a few diligent otakus out there who have taken the time to meticulously dissect entire episodes learning every single new word and grammar form. As dedicated as they may be, many will ultimately be defeated by this task after days or weeks or months of this insanity. Surely there must be another way, but how else could one study an anime? What would it look like?

It is about time we ditch this route and formulate a new plan altogether. In “Fluent Japanese From Anime and Manga”, the author will make the case for the most enjoyable way to learn Japanese from the material we all love and hold dearly. A new game to learn Japanese from anime and manga will be revealed. Let’s make a game that we can win and is stress-free. Wouldn’t we all like that? Let’s make learning Japanese fun again like it was that first month we started where everything was new and exciting. We had the motivation to learn and study for several hours each day, and it was so easy to keep going. If you are ready and willing, let us go back there.

Free on 26th - 28th Jun 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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