
Free on 9th - 13th Dec 15
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It’s never too late to change.

An uplifting story of loss, hope, and finding new love …

Henry and his daughter, Chandra, are stuck. Haunted by the past, they sleepwalk through life until unexpected relationships shake up their perceptions of reality. Henry’s new friendship with a neighbor blurs the boundaries between the living and the dead, and Chandra starts to see possibilities she’s never noticed before.

Interview with the Author

Q. Why did you decide to write Flying Lessons?

I’ve always been interested in uplifting stories of transformation. Most people don’t live up to their full potential. I see this in the world around me everyday. It’s so sad. I wanted to write an inspirational novel about people who feel lost in the world and how they are able to take control of their lives.

In this story, the main characters Henry and Chandra meet new people who help them see the world in a different way. They help them take steps toward happiness.

Q. This story has metaphysical elements. Why did you decide to include them?

A. You mean there are ghosts? I’ve always enjoyed magical realism novels with unexplained elements, stories that take a little step outside of normality. Many people are haunted by ghosts of the past. They aren’t physical beings hanging out in peoples homes like in this story, but we’ve all been haunted by regret, loss, and what could’ve have been at some point in our lives.

In general we tend to get so wrapped up in the past, and in the future, that we forget to live the life that is happening right now. Henry is a widower with a child, a grown child, that realizes that he missed out on the things that matter most in life because he was too busy trying to excel in his career. Chandra, his daughter, is realizing that she can no longer put life on hold. Both are caught up in the past. They miss Ava, Henry’s wife and Chandra’s mother, so much that they have difficulty moving on.

I wanted to write a novel that looks at these aspects of life, but I didn’t want the story to be sad and full of misery. It’s uplifting fiction that is ultimately full of hope, and a quirky little magical realism novel that bends reality a bit. I guess you could also say it’s a magical realism love story because there are two love stories in the book.

Q. Speaking of quirky, there seem to be quite a lot of quirky characters in books by Florida Authors, why do think this is?

Well, there is definitely no shortage of interesting characters for Florida authors to write about. A simple glance through a local paper can provide Florida authors with lots of great material. It’s just a wacky place with no shortage of interesting people and events to base stories on. That’s why I love it.

Q. Why should someone read Flying Lessons?

I enjoy uplifting stories with realistic characters that you can care about, that take a step outside the bounds of normality. They say that authors should write the book that they want to read and that’s what I’ve done with Flying Lessons.

If you want to read a magical realism love story about change and hope this is the story for you.


Magical Realism Novels

Inspirational Novels

Florida Authors

Uplifting Fiction

Magical Realism Love Stories

Uplifting Stories

Free on 9th - 13th Dec 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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