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Free on 22nd - 26th Jun 17
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A Concise and No-Fluff Guide on Focus and Increasing Productivity!

Get this Kindle Book for just $2.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

Productivity is the mainstay of every successful endeavor. But there are many things that threaten to decrease productiveness. One such thing is the rise of the Internet, which has made it easier for people to lose focus on the tasks at hand. Many often prefer to waste time on their gadgets and smartphones rather than do their work. Staying focused and driven is becoming an increasing challenge now more than ever.

Focus: Secrets to Naturally Improving Your Focus and Concentration, How to Focus and Increase Productivity aims to curb any inclination one might have to give in to those unwelcome distractions. The tips and tricks offered up in this book will encourage individuals to concentrate on getting the job done. The goal is to make a habit out of focusing on managing a task without getting sidetracked. This book provides simple yet effective strategies that set the mind and body in motion on the path to productivity.

Table of Contents

IntroductionCreating Micro-GoalsSetting Deadlines and SchedulesWeeding Out DistractionsSleeping WellKeeping Goals VisibleRewarding YourselfDiscipline and Self-Control


This book is a must-read in a day and age when we are bombarded by screens commercials and other stimuli that eats away at our attention span more and more each day until we are so used to instant gratification that we forget how to focus on the most important areas of life such as work, family and friends this book gives great tips on focus and productivity. excellent wheels

Incredible tips and guidelines that are effectively improving your focus and concentration. Alicia Jones

Download your copy today!

Tags: focus, productivity, learning, minimize distractions

Free on 22nd - 26th Jun 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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