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Free on 18th - 19th Nov 14
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Want to be Laser-Focused, Increase Your Productivity and Get Results in Life?

We are living in the age of technology. It’s also supposed to be the age of efficiency, but it appears to be filled with challenges from the same things that are supposed to help us. We can easily sink and drown in the clutter, and it’s quite easy to get lost. Is it even possible to find our focus in a world that’s so full of distractions?

Clear answer: Yes.

Being laser-focused is probably more difficult than ever, but it’s definitely possible. How? Read on…

Finding Focus: What is Focus?

Focus is simply defined as the ability to pay attention. It changes our perception of the world around us. When we are focused, our ability to ignore things that surround us is incredibly heightened. This is why at work, when we are “in the zone,” we hardly notice what goes on around us. Unless we allow ourselves to pay attention to our surroundings, we remain oblivious to events that occur and stay laser-focused on the task we are currently doing.

Unfortunately, being in the zone is a rare occurrence. Most of us get easily distracted. And while we may be physically present at work, our mind is elsewhere.

Discover: How to be Laser-Focused

Here’s the good news: We don’t have to be Jedi Knights trained by Yoda to be laser-focused. We just have to be aware of ourselves, of what goes on, of our habits, our attitude and the way we generally respond to certain stimuli that distract us from work.

In this book you will discover 28 effective tactics everyone can learn to be more focused and increase their productivity. You’ll also learn why a focused mind will help you to live a better life and as bonus you will get a list with 10 of the best tools to beat distraction.

Remember: There isn’t much we can do about the things around us, but we are in full control of how we respond to all of it.

Want to Know More?

Just scroll to the top of the page, select the buy button, and start being laser-focused today.

Free on 18th - 19th Nov 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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