A burning passion that consumes two people: Katie is a career woman, focused on meeting her objectives and struggling to find that elusive feeling of fulfillment in her life. Tired and burned out from working non-stop; she goes to London to visit her sister Jesse. Jesse is also a career woman but she is married to Miles. Jesse is rarely home for her family and romantic feelings brew between her sister and her husband. The forbidden love grows strong and both Katie and Miles can longer ignore it. This is the first book of the Forbidden love in London series; it’s entertaining, hot and breathtaking. The author’s take on the story is real, unapologetic and creative.
Sisters in Love (Love in Bloom: Snow Sisters #1), Contemporary Romance
Undeniable Rogue (The Rogues Club, Book One)
Shadow of Danger (Book 1 CORE Shadow Trilogy) (CORE Series)
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