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Get started making money with Foreign Exchange Currency Trading now! Using this book and the tricks, strategies, and techniques revealed within, become an expert trader in less than a month!

The Forex market is the largest global exchange rate in the world. It is also financial market. Currencies are bought and sold in pairs. There are three markets for Forex Trading: the Asian market, the European market, and the North American market. The Asian market includes Australia, Japan and China. This market has slow price movement. The European market is consists of euro zone countries and the UK. North American markets are US and Canada. European market and North American markets are choppy markets. It means higher price movements and exchange rates fluctuations. The largest trading volume is 8.30am-12.00pm by EST time zone when London and New York are opened. Traders use this time to trade currency pairs, commodities, indices and the stocks. It is included also big corporation, banks, insurance companies and brokers. They are usually traded in the major currencies like euro, the US dollar, pound, yen and Swiss franc.

Beginner traders before start trading have to know what assets to trade, how to trade and how to predict the price movement in the future. It can be used technical and fundamental analysis for this purpose. Technical analysis provide price movements in the future based on charts. It can be used a lot of trading tools and indicators. It is also called chart analysis. Fundamental analysis provides news and economic data. It is existed forex calendar when the news will be published. Positive economic data is good for the primary currency while negative is bad for primary currency. Take the time to better yourself and buy this book!

Here’s what you can expect to find in this book…

Types of TradersCommon Forex VocabularyDifferent Trading StrategiesFundamental Trading StrategiesTechnical AnalysisTrading Tools and IndicatorsFitting All the Pieces TogetherAnd Much More!

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Free on 18th Dec 16
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