Have you ever felt stressed or overwhelmed with events in your life? Have you ever had memories or trauma or stored emotions that will not leave you alone? There may also be things that you are unaware of stored in your unconscious, that neuro-scientists have found inform our conscious daily life. Writing therapy crosses both sides of your brain and has been proven scientifically to provide complete freedom from stress! This book details Suzanne’s experience with writing therapy, the benefits of writing therapy, other people’s successful testimonies using these tools and the simple techniques you can use throughout your life to unleash this freedom you deserve! Be free today.
I'm a Product Of My Environment: Navigating the Path to Equity and Justice
Self-Care for Coaches: A Workbook for Wellness Practitioners and Those Who Wish to Embrace Wellness ...
Embracing Individuality: How Unique Strengths Shape Our Life's Journey
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