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Free on 5th Mar 14
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In today’s busy, fast-paced, modern lifestyle having the time to prepare and sit down to a proper dinner can easily get side-lined by work schedules, after school clubs, endless errands, kids homework, the long commute to and from work, shift patterns….shall I go on?…They all take away that precious commodity..TIME!

With time being so important we often compromise, the results are poor nutrition and money wasted on burgers, pizza, fried chicken, chips, chocolate, biscuits or commercially prepared meals high in preservatives and unhealthy ingredients.

However, it doesn’t have to be that way… sitting down and enjoying a healthy, home-cooked meal doesn’t have to a distant memory.. Freezer Meals provides you with simple, nutritious and delicious meals and snacks meals that help you to plan your tine more easily by preparing now and eating later…

You can also save yourself a small fortune buying groceries in bulk, prepare a range of wonderful dishes, package in meal-sized freezer bags, then stock the freezer with ready to defrost and serve tasty homemade meals.

Imagine coming home from work and in a short space of time tucking into mouth-watering crispy coated chicken, cottage pie, fish pie, tortellini bake, tomato soup, or chocolate mousse.

Freezer meals provide you with over 100 fantastic, delicious recipes to get you started such as:

Oatmeal Bake

BBQ Chicken Pizza

Salmon Wraps

Really Simple spare Ribs

Vegetarian Lasagna Wraps

Tortellini Bake

Chicken Noodle Soup

Onion Cakes

Lemon Tart

Marble Cheesecake

Free on 5th Mar 14
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