
Free on 31st Oct 17 - 4th Nov 17
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As a native Parisian, I was fortunate enough to grow up witnessing how my mother had created a life of joy and beauty for us. This book is a tribute to her great taste, impeccable style, and incredible values. By practicing the ideas presented in this book you can also elevate the ordinary to the exquisite.
For a limited time, you can buy the book at this special price. Read on your PC, Mac, smartphone, tablet or Kindle device.
There are six chapters in this book, meant to be read over a period of six weeks. Each chapter ends with exercises for that week. Make sure that you do the exercises because that’s what will really help you create the life you desire so much.
As French Chic Living is a way of life, you want to create lasting changes that truly transform you and your world. It’s best to go slow but steady.
I must say that I was fortunate enough to grow up witnessing how my mother or ‘Maman’ (as I called her) managed our household of four. There were so many things that I took for granted at that time. It was only when I had a family of my own that I realized how efficiently and seemingly effortlessly Maman had created a life of joy and beauty for us.
In this book, I have tried to include all the invaluable tips that you can incorporate into your own life to experience more pleasure and joy. Rest assured that all the information comes from my own experiences as a girl observing how her Maman did things and as a French woman living in Paris with a family of her own.
Needless to say, all the information that I have outlined in this book are things that I myself practice on a regular basis.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Basics of French Chic LivingCultivate Pleasure and Beauty in Everyday LifeNo off Days for Beauty and StyleHow to Take Care of Your Hair and Skin the French WayEat for Pleasure Stay Slim for LifeLove YourselfMuch, much more!
Download your copy today!

Free on 31st Oct 17 - 4th Nov 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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