
Free on 27th Jun 24 - 1st Jul 24
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What if we chose our trauma?
Is it possible we had a hand in our life?s blueprint?
Following the tragic death of his brother, in addition to the impending failure of his marriage, Nathan Jones finds himself back in the same small town in which he grew up. Struggling to discover a new direction for his life, he copes by recreating high school antics with his buddies and dancing around a romance with an old family friend. Eventually, an opportunity to provide a taxi service for the locals presents itself, and Nathan adds it to his growing list of coping methods.
Then one afternoon, a chance encounter changes everything.
As Nathan learns, the answer is out there. You just have to find the right people. Or let them find you.

Free on 27th Jun 24 - 1st Jul 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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