
Free on 13th - 15th Jun 14
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ATTENTION: Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Anyone Who Is His/Her Own Boss

When you’re trying to get things done, have you found yourself falling into these situations?

  • You plan to do too much, then accomplish too little and get frustrated because it doesn’t feel like you’re progressing fast enough.
  • You wait until the last minute to muster up the desire to get things done.
  • You start your day by mindlessly checking emails, surfing the Internet, watching YouTube… and before you know it, you’ve wasted more than an hour procrastinating.
  • You’ve found yourself losing your focus when you’re working on your priority list and end up doing an easier thing instead just to feel good that you get something done.
  • You feel guilty taking time to play when your tasks haven’t been done yet.

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you might be having a problem with procrastination.

The good news is that you’re not alone!

Procrastination can be a major obstacle that’s preventing you from reaching your goal. It’s natural to procrastinate on something sometimes, but most people procrastinate on doing the activities that are important for their goals.

Procrastination Costs Your Time and Money

Procrastination can burn at least 1-2 hours of your time a day, and this lost time can really add up as years go by.

Imagine how many opportunities that you’ve been missed by procrastinating. How much money and time have you lost?

What would it feel like if you could take control the situation right now by overcoming procrastination and taking progressive actions toward your goals?

In my book “From Procrastinator To Producer,” I will show you precisely how you can overcome procrastination for good, start being more productive, and get things done.

INSIDE:: From Procrastinator To Producer: How to Stop Procrastinating And Get Things Done

Here are examples of what you’re going to discover inside this book:

  • Three REAL reasons that make you procrastinate.
  • An effective method to make any change happen.
  • Identification of the fears that are controlling you, so you can interrupt the pattern.
  • A new way to structure your day to help you get twice as much done.
  • Why your brain affects your procrastination, and how to improve it.
  • A quick fix to overcoming your “block” to start working, no matter how hard your “lazy side” resists.
  • How one distracting thought can ruin your entire day, and a simple tip to prevent this.
  • Why perfectionists have a hard time getting things done, and what you can do to avoid falling into this trap.
  • How to increase your energy level.
  • And much more!

Download the book now, and follow the guides and strategies inside. You will start to become productive after reading just the first few pages.

It’s time to finally stop procrastinating and get more things done!

Free on 13th - 15th Jun 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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