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Free on 25th - 29th Jun 14
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The Shyness Curse

40 percent to 45 percent of adults say they are shy. Every excursion out of their home feels like a minefield littered with something terrifying—people they don’t know.

Social anxiety is one of the most common hurdles people face. Confronted with the options of breaking out of their shell or retreating inward, most shy people choose the latter; the possibilities of ridicule, shame or awkwardness are simply too overwhelming to handle.

Ok, I’m Shy. So What?

While it would be untrue to say that no shy person has ever found success in life or business, the truth is that hiding behind shyness is limiting. The whole depth and beauty of forming close relationships with others often evades the shy person.

Those with the confidence to meet new people, to pursue what they want and to be vulnerable enough to help others in need are the people who will find the most beauty and success in the world.

Overcoming shyness is not simply about fulfilling your needs; the most successful people tend to be those who help others get what they want while pursuing their own desires. The ability to give to others, and in turn increase one’s own bounty, requires courage and self-confidence.

But I’ve Always Been Shy, There’s No Hope for Me.

Michal Stawicki, author of From Shy to Hi, can relate. Until recently, Michal was painfully shy; it held him back in his social life, kept him from achieving his dreams and broke his heart every time he saw someone in need and couldn’t muster the courage to offer them help or even a kind word of encouragement.

That is, until he decided to change. When Michal began a journey of self-actualization, he realized that he needed to banish his social anxiety and build self-confidence to get where he wanted to be.

Success through Consistency and Small Actions

Like the rest of the philosophy which guided Michal’s new-found growth, success in conquering his shyness came from taking small, daily steps. For most people suffering from social anxiety, the idea of instantly stepping out of their shell and becoming outgoing is terrifying, and for that reason is not the right approach.

Instead, Michal developed a practice focused on helping the shy person achieve confidence over time, through small, easily achieved building blocks.

From Shy to Hi includes:

? The sources of shyness

? Confidence and trust

? Visualization and mental exercises to build a confident mindset

? A 21-day blueprint for overcoming shyness, and:

? Personal success stories from the author and tips from readers

Banish your Social Anxiety and Live your Dreams

Looking forward to the future, confident you? You too can take small steps that drive big results. From Shy to Hi will show you how!

Scroll to the top of the page and hit the buy button.

Free on 25th - 29th Jun 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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