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Free on 14th - 15th Nov 16
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1932. Adolf Hitler’s rise to power continues unabated. Countess Le Roche is now convinced that Giles lied to her about the Organisation clipping Hitler’s wings. As the Nazi party increases its stranglehold over Germany, Herr Hitler becomes more bold. In flagrant breach of the treaty of Versailles he builds up Germany’s military might in order to, he claims, defend Germany from its enemies and Germans in all lands from persecution. He is secretly preparing Germany for war.

The start date for hostilities to commence is set for the 1st of September 1939. In the months leading up to September, Hermann Goring meets with the Führer to try and persuade him to delay the start of the war so that he could have time to develop the weapons to guarantee victory for the Third Reich. Herr Hitler is convinced by Goring’s arguments and agrees to postpone the start of the war. Meanwhile back in England several senior members of the Organisation are furious when they learn of the delay as they need the war to start as planned on the 1st of September 1939. Contracts have been entered into and unless the war starts on time they’ll be ruined. They hatch a plot to blackmail Herr Hitler into reverting back to his original schedule.

All of Countess Le Roche’s Operatives close to the Führer had advised her that the war was going to be delayed by as much as two years which gave her time to assassinate Hitler and prevent war. Something, though, had changed and she suspects Giles and the Organisation as being behind it.

Just in time, Countess Le Roche flees to England and sets up a special operations unit whose mission it is to assassinate Adolf Hitler. When news arrives that all her assassins have been compromised she is determined to continue her quest against the Nazi leader.

In order to prevent war, the Countess needed to assassinate Hitler but after war started she understood that she’d have to fight the whole of the Third Reich. How will she achieve this?

1971. Following the attack on him by the trusted veteran, Michael hovers between life and death. His spirit finds itself back in Liverpool accompanied by a younger version of himself. He visits familiar places but only finds great sadness there. Something is wrong. He flies into the air and is chased back to the scene of his murder. His Guardian Angel forces him to return to his body as it’s not his time yet.

After regaining his health and strength, Michael is determined to find out who killed his friend Gareth. But nobody will tell him. What will he do if he ever finds out who murdered his friend?

Madame Chairman is convinced that unseen forces are working against her and her plans to reunite the Organisation by making peace with the splinters. Her sponsor dies unexpectedly. She feels that her position is under threat as the vote to make her Chairman had been very close. A condition of her appointment was that she remove all the old guard of Controllers and Governors. She didn’t understand that by ‘remove’ the Mandarins meant that they were to be killed off. How will she deal with this situation? Can she change the Mandarin’s minds or will she have no choice other than to slaughter over a thousand human beings?

Captain LeFort is dispatched to meet with the various splinters to convince them to make peace between themselves and with the Organisation. The meetings go well but it’s clear that the leaders of the splinters have been influenced by somebody who’s made them an alternate offer. Will the splinters hold back to see who will emerge victorious before making any decision or will they side with the Organisation and Madame Chairman?

The whole future of the Organisation is in the balance. Which way will it tip?

Free on 14th - 15th Nov 16
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