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Free on 7th - 9th Nov 16
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1930. An Oak panelled room in Half Moon Street off Piccadilly. We join a meeting of Governors which has been called by the Chairwoman of the French splinter of the Organisation. Countess Le Roche is convinced that Adolf Hitler is out of control and unless something is done about him he’ll end up running Germany and that is something which cannot be allowed to happen. The Countess calls for a vote to assassinate Herr Hitler. She’s defeated. There are those in the Organisation who want to see Herr Hitler become Reich Chancellor. Only Countess Le Roche stands in their way.

November 1943. The war is drawing to its inevitable conclusion. Political minds are now concentrated on winning the peace after Nazi Germany has been defeated. The freedom of Europe is centre stage at the so-called peace conferences being held between the allies. The dominant figure of the Tehran and Yalta peace conferences is Joseph Stalin, he’s trying to grab as much of Europe as he can for the benefit of the Soviet Union.

Winston Churchill believes that President Roosevelt is making secret deals with Stalin behind his back. He tells President Roosevelt that if Stalin gets his way then hundreds of millions of people will be subject to decades or even centuries of brutal oppression under the Soviet regime. Churchill tries to convince President Roosevelt that the only way to ensure the freedom of Europe and its peoples is to drop and Atomic bomb on Moscow, wiping out Stalin and his murderous Central Committee.

Following the untimely death of President Roosevelt in 1945, Harry S Truman takes his place at the Potsdam peace conference. All the while discussions are underway, Stalin is planning to invade Europe. On the eve of the invasion President Truman lets slip to Stalin about the existence of the Atomic bomb. At first Stalin refuses to believe that there is such a weapon but Beria’s spies discover that the Atom bomb is indeed all too real. Stalin calls off his invasion of Europe. But he still has his plan B to fall back on.

1971. After being taken away from RMC Lympstone by Mr Flask, Michael wakes from his drug induced sleep to find himself being held prisoner at an isolated farm. A trusted veteran arrives at the farm and he and Michael travel incognito to Northern Ireland.

Once in Northern Ireland the pair infiltrate a highly illegal, covert British Military Intelligence unit during the Troubles. They are ordered to assist MI6 doublers to hide the bodies of two murdered Nationalists but they run into an ambush and are captured. Michael’s Unit are brutally tortured. Under torture, Michael’s visions become more frequent but now at least he has his Guardian Angel to help and protect him.

The Organisation is playing both sides of the fence. It’s supplying arms and information to the Nationalists as well as the Loyalists while orchestrating the downfall of the Warehouse Operation, the Brits and the CIA too. It is determined to wipe out everybody connected with the Warehouse Operation. What the Organisation can’t own it will destroy. It’s the rules.

Following multiple attempts on his life, Michael ends up in a old fortress in Scotland where his safety can’t be guaranteed.

Will any of the Unit survive to tell their tale to the outside world?

Free on 7th - 9th Nov 16
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