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Free on 5th - 9th Jul 15
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Gardening Box Set #2; Container Gardening For Beginners: The Essential Basics Of Container Gardening To Growing Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs In The Smallest Spaces! + The Ultimate Guide to Companion Gardening for Beginners: How to Use Companion Plants for a Successful Flower or Vegetable Garden


Container Gardening:

Lack of space to plant your favorite fruit trees, vegetables, and/or herbs should not prevent you from having a garden that will yield fresh produce for you and your family to enjoy. Most families that live in apartments, condominium units, or places that don’t offer a big enough space to create a regular garden turn to container gardening. Although a container garden has many similarities with a regular garden, you may need to exert some extra work in terms of proper care and maintenance.

If you can choose the plants that blend well together, then your container garden can provide added aesthetic appeal to the interior of your home while providing fresh and organic produce on your table. Let’s face the truth; it is absurd to believe that commercially bought fruits, vegetables, and herbs are not without pesticides even if the store boasts that they only sell organic produce. Growing your own organic produce is the only thing that can make you feel at ease that you and your family will be eating fresh and chemical-free vegetables and fruits.

Container Gardening Previewed….

Why Container Gardening? Your Essential Gardening Tools and Equipment’sContainers to Choose From Preparing your SoilIdeal Fruits for your Container GardenChoosing Vegetables for your Container GardenGrow your Herbs in ContainerEssential Care and MaintenanceMuch, much more!

Companion Gardening:

Companion gardening is just planting certain plants together because they will help each other grow and become healthier. It is said that companion gardening is even better than using fertilizers or artificial ways of letting plants grow because the plants can benefit from each other and it’s all a natural process.

Some of the basics of Companion Gardening:

• Tall plants are planted near shorter plants so they could some shade for the shorter plants. This works best between sunflowers and corn.

• Companion Plants can lure away pests from green leafy vegetables, and they can also attract beneficial insects to help in the pollination of flowers. For instance, aphids are attracted to plants like Nasturtium, this lures them away from the other plants in the garden.

• You can plant two plants on the same patch which will save you space and time.

Companion Gardening Previewed….

What is Companion Gardening?Phases of Companion GardeningCategories of Companion GardeningCompanion Planting Chart(insert bullet point)Perfect CombinationsMuch, much more!

Tags: Container gardening, gardening in pots, gardening, gardening secrets, gardening made easy, gardening guide, gardening handbook, container gardening made easy, house plants, gardening and landscape, landscape, landscaping, house and hobbies, crafts and hobbies, horticulture, Urban, companion gardening, greenhouse gardening, vegetable gardening, raised bed gardening

Free on 5th - 9th Jul 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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