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Free on 18th - 22nd Dec 15
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Container Gardening

Lack of space to plant your favorite fruit trees, vegetables, and/or herbs should not prevent you from having a garden that will yield fresh produce for you and your family to enjoy. Most families that live in apartments, condominium units, or places that don’t offer a big enough space to create a regular garden turn to container gardening. Although a container garden has many similarities with a regular garden, you may need to exert some extra work in terms of proper care and maintenance.

If you can choose the plants that blend well together, then your container garden can provide added aesthetic appeal to the interior of your home while providing fresh and organic produce on your table. Let’s face the truth; it is absurd to believe that commercially bought fruits, vegetables, and herbs are not without pesticides even if the store boasts that they only sell organic produce. Growing your own organic produce is the only thing that can make you feel at ease that you and your family will be eating fresh and chemical-free vegetables and fruits.

Learn the ideal fruits, vegetables, and herbs to grow in your garden and the containers that suit them. This book will guide you from start to finish and give you pointers on how to keep your container garden healthy and gorgeous. You and your family will definitely enjoy the succulent taste of chemical-free produce fresh from your garden.

Material Covered…

Why Container Gardening? Your Essential Gardening Tools and Equipment’sContainers to Choose From Preparing your SoilIdeal Fruits for your Container GardenChoosing Vegetables for your Container GardenGrow your Herbs in ContainerEssential Care and MaintenanceMuch, much more!

Winter Gardening

Regardless of whether your region’s winters are a perpetual chill or pleasantly moderate, gardening can have a lot of difficulties, but it also provides opportunities. Whether you are planning for your summer or spring planting, looking to grow fresh herbs and vegetables, or simply want to keep your favorite plants alive during the colder months, winter gardening provides a lot more options that you probably ever realized. There really is no reason for you not to keep your thumb green throughout the entire year.

A lot of gardeners just hang up their gardening tools for the winter and wait until the weather becomes warmer, but this should not be the case. Depending on your local weather, gardening during the winter may simply be less than the ideal, or you may be working with frozen soil which can remain rock solid for several months. Winter is also the best time to stock up on gardening supplies as most gardening centers usually offer great discounts to boost their winter sales. Regardless of the situation, winter offers any ambitious gardener an opportunity to explore many options that may not be available during the warmer seasons.

Download now and find your set of gardening ideas from our examples and enjoy an all year round garden from your own home! No matter where you might be or what weather one might be up against!

Some topics discussed are….

Winter Gardening – The Basic FactsPractical Guides to Winter GardeningSome Useful Tips when Gardening During the Winter SeasonList of Basic Winter Gardening Supplies for BeginnersBest Types of Plants to Grow During the Winter Season


Free on 18th - 22nd Dec 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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