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Free on 16th - 20th Apr 15
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Discover How To Improve Memory For Study And All Other Areas Of Your Life

Today only, get this Amazon bestseller for just $0.99. Regularly priced at $9.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

You’re about to discover how to improve your memory for study with a fully inclusive, step by step, memory improvement program. There are twenty five lessons in total, one per day for twenty five days, that will walk you down the path of developing an almost eidetic memory. No detail is too small, and no amount of content is too large for you to be able to recite back perfectly.

Too many people believe they are fixed with the memory capacity they currently have. They believe that some people just have inherently better memories, and that’s that. But the problem is, no one has ever taught them differently until now. You’re capable of memorising an unlimited amount of information, in the time it takes you to read it from the page. You just need to learn how.

You will cut your learning curve in half, decrease revision time to just listening to the lecture, and cover your notes in no time at all. You will have so much free time, you won’t know what to do with yourself!

The memory techniques in this book will turn you from an average performing student to the top of your class in just 25 days. All you have to do is follow the course, and apply the memory techniques. Memory improvement for study has never been easier.

You will discover how to treat your mind as a database, formating it as you please. Decide whether information needs to be stored in long term, or short term memory. You’ll even learn to overide information if you don’t want it anymore.

Memory improvement isn’t just for students, it’s for everyone. You will learn how to remember the names of new people you meet and everything they tell you about themselves. Phone numbers without searching desperately for a pen while the person on the otherside of the phone is already reading it out. Road names and directions without a map. And literally any other area in your life you use your brain for… Which is everything!

And your relationships will blossom. Never again will you forget an anniversary, or plans you’ve made with your partner. You’ll be able to remember every intricate detail about them, their likes, dislikes, hopes and dreams. And with an abundance of things you can now recall, you’ll never have been more interesting in a conversation either.

Memory improvement positively affects every area of your life, opening up an untold amount of opportunities in both your personal and work life. Improving your memory truly is the greatest decision you will ever make.

Your brain is the ultimate super computer, and it’s about time you learned to use it.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Recall Phone Numbers And Credit Card Numbers Off The Top Of Your Head Cut Study And Revision Times Down DramaticallyFormat Your Mind, Decide What You Want To RememberListen To Lectures And Have A Complete Recollection AfterwardsMemorise Entire BooksBecome An Expert In Your FieldReduce Your Learning Curve SubstantiallyBuild A Mental Calendar To Always Remember Your PlansMuch, much more!

Download your copy today!

Take action today and download this book for a limited time discount of only


Tags: memory, memory improvement, memory improvement for study, memory improvement program, memory improvement techniques, memory improvement book, memory improvement books, study skills, study skills for high school students, study skills for college students, study skills for students, study skills for teens, memory palace, memory improvement for students,

Free on 16th - 20th Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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