
Free on 22nd - 24th Aug 13
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Pages: 58

Most college football coaches pay very little attention to prospective athletes when they are only freshmen in high school. Unfortunately, many parents and high school coaches basically do the same thing. The ninth grade is considered, by most, to be too early to be thinking about getting your son involved in the college football recruiting process.

However, here at College Athletic Scholarship, it has been our experience through helping thousands of high school athletes over the past fourteen years that a solid recruiting foundation can be started as early as the ninth grade. This, of course, depends on the maturity and determination of your ninth grade football player.

For example, is he willing to tackle the steps necessary to land a college athletic scholarship. Is he willing to learn and apply the steps in the recruiting process as they are given month-by-month? Is he willing to lay the groundwork that will put him ahead of his competition next year? If the answers to these questions are yes, then this book will take him and guide him through the foundational steps in the recruiting process.

If he does the steps as they are given, he will be prepared next year when there is a good possibility that he will see playing time. He will be familiar with basic recruiting terminology, and he will be physically fit to play for his team.

Contrary to what many people still believe, obtaining one of these coveted scholarships is a process, and in most cases the earlier, you start the more likely you are to play for the school of your dreams. This guide is for the student/athlete and his parents that want to get a jump-start on recruiting process. Fortunately, the process is simple. It really is just a matter of starting early and doing steps as they come along.

Conservatively speaking, college football scholarships can be worth in excess of $150,000 depending upon the school and the number of years your son takes to get his degree.

Unfortunately, even in the ninth grade, recruiting mistakes can be made. If your son is determined to win a college football scholarship and you approve, this guide, written by college athletic scholarship recipients, will not only get him started off on the right foot, but it will also keep him compliant with the NCAA guidelines.

Free on 22nd - 24th Aug 13
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