
Free on 1st Jan 70
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Getting Rid of False Beliefs

Getting Rid of False Beliefs

People’s living and working conditions are changing all around us, and usually, of late, not for the better. You need to keep pace with these changes. The way you think about your work, your boss, your bank, your relationships, your security, your finances, the politicians you vote for and many other subjects may no longer be up-to-date or suitable to your current needs.
Just as every child needs to gradually let go of many comfortable beliefs, such as in their parents’ omniscience, we adults too we are constantly required to check our original beliefs in the nature of our world and relationships, against reality and new experience. If you do not clearly see what you are up against, how will you be able to find effective solutions?

Old and sometimes naïve beliefs can make us vulnerable to the depredations of more realistic, cynical competitors, who will run rings around anyone who does not notice how the world works these days, and where the overall trend is leading us. As they take away our security and future, they distract us with trivialities, try to channel our anger at each other, or make us compare ourselves to mice chasing a piece of cheese. Are you willing to accept such a role, defined by others?

Getting Rid of False Beliefs is divided into six sections, covering common misconceptions in everyday life, in the family, in the working environment, in politics, personal finance, and some culturally determined issues (media, self-help, wishful thinking and similar). There should be something for every taste, and you can easily skip to those areas of most interest to you.
Some of the book’s theses and contentions may well be controversial, but argument and controversy are better than complacent indifference to the issues at stake.

Free on: 2013-05-25
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Free on 1st Jan 70
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rz3300 (10 October 2016)
Well I am not sure if I should take this one seriously or not. I hope that nobody is actually out there promoting this type of stuff, but I guess it is just our responsibility to be on top of these things ourselves too.

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