Teen paranormal-investigator siblings Dylan, Mike and Sarah McCauliffe, investigate the hauntings at an old lake house in rural Kentucky. To get to the property, they have to paddle a couple skiffs through haunted waters where many people have perished. And to make matters worse, there are ghosts from many different time periods on the property, including a black shadow man who may be demonic. In a book that may force you to sleep with the lights on, find out if the McCauliffes can solve an age-old mystery, send the spirits on to where they belong and get back home safely. Ghosts of Lake Dread is a stand-alone sequel to Ghosts at Drayson Schoolhouse and Hauntings at Black Shadow Ridge because it takes place a couple years earlier.
The Most Bizarre Paranormal & Ghost Stories: Short Cases for Teens Including Haunted Houses,...
The Exiled: A Web of Lies Book 1
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