Does God really exist, or is religion just a fantasy, a journey on the road to nowhere?
This book explores some of the historical, sociological and psychological reasons why people may be drawn towards a belief in God.
The origins of religion are investigated and the world of religious philosophy is briefly visited before some of the philosophical arguments which have been put forward in support of God’s existence are considered.
The scientific arguments for the origin of the universe and for the creation and evolution of life are examined and compared with the arguments from a religious point of view. Some of the inconsistencies of religion are debated and it is suggested that perhaps certain aspects may be purely symbolic.
However, the intention is to present you, the reader, with well thought out and balanced arguments so that you can make your own decision as to what you believe.
Famous Bible Verses: 365 Days to More Happiness, Love, Faith & Spirituality
Where's Chuckawalla Bill's Cabin?: A True Tale of Being Lost in the Hi-Desert
THE DEPTH OF HIS LOVE: Exploring the heartbeat of God towards the saved and the unsaved
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