Since first receiving Jesus Christ, I have been studying God’s Word to answer six questions: 1) What happens when we neglect to seek God in a truthful way? 2) What part do we have in God’s Plan of Salvation? 3) How necessary is faith to developing our new life in Christ? 4) When can or can’t we apply a promise to our life? 5) What are the principles and processes in applying God’s promises? 6) Why is God’s Word so important to our Christian growth and everything pertaining to Eternal Life?
GOD’S PAST PROMISES MEET OUR PRESENT RESPONSE answers these questions by providing Two Critical Principles of God’s Word. 1) God’s past promises meet our present response, 2) Faith is believing God’s Word and acting upon it.
God is the Promise Keeper! In fact, Jesus Spilt His Blood on The Cross to Fulfil His Promise to us for Eternal Salvation. Applying this Promise brings opportunities and responsibilities. We are called to deny ourselves and follow Jesus. If We Get a Splinter while Picking Up Our Cross to Follow Christ It Won’t Kill Us.
Where's Chuckawalla Bill's Cabin?: A True Tale of Being Lost in the Hi-Desert
The race : The right pathway to success
THE DEPTH OF HIS LOVE: Exploring the heartbeat of God towards the saved and the unsaved
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