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Free on 23rd May 24
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Enemies make the best lovers…

Until they reveal their true identities…

All Lady Bella wants to be is herself. And if that includes being a spinster, so what? She’s starting her own business doing what she loves, designing gardens; despite the ton looking down their noses at her ambitious spirit. She has the intelligence and competence to pursue her dreams, but can her heart and soul resist the lips of her infuriatingly desirable first client…

Mr. Lyle Fairfax does not want a wife. Not one picked by himself and certainly not one from the kindhearted, meddling, but discreet, dowager duchess. In Lady Bella he sees his escape. Her coming in to redesign his gardens is the perfect distraction to keep him too busy for a wife, as well as keep his secrets safe for now.

Her and her rose-tinted lips and ample… busyness will keep him from getting married, won’t they?

Free on 23rd May 24
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