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How do you find your self-respect and confidence when it feels like the whole world is against you?

You did everything ‘right’. You tolerated the bad behavior because that’s what ‘nice girls’ do. Now, the weight of guilt, low self-esteem, and self-loathing has taken its toll. You’re ready to take a stand, put the unhealthy relationships behind you, and take your power back.

Inside, you’ll discover:
Why negative people make your life miserableHow to manage (or even fix!) your toxic relationshipsHow to stop feeling inadequate and build up your self-confidenceAnd much more!Forget all the people who haven’t been through the emotional wringer. Gayle Katz has dealt firsthand with many toxic people, including her own abusive father, so she can help because she understands what you’re going through. She has come out the other side, and you can too.

This practical, self-help guide is more than a how-to manual, it’s the friend you can lean on and trust to help you find your voice and live the life you were always meant to live – one free from abusive relationships, devoid of crushing emotional abuse, and chock-full of feel good mantras and exercises to help you take back your life and banish self-deprecation, despair, and misery for good.

Plus, get an exclusive invite to download Gayle’s FREE toxic person survival planner!

Ready to get started? Grab the first book in Gayle’s Grounded Girl’s Guide series today and embrace all the good that life has to offer you!

Free on 30th Mar 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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