Is Your Life Being Controlled by Good or Bad Habits?
In order to ?u?????full? ?h?ng? habits, we h?v? t? kn?w what w?’r? d??ling with!
H?bit d?finiti?n:
Habits ?r? r?utin? b?h?vi?ur? d?n? on a r?gul?r basis. Th?? ?r? r??urr?nt and ?ft?n un??n??i?u? patterns of b?h?vi?ur that are ???uir?d thr?ugh fr??u?nt r???titi?n. The ironic part is w? typically d?n’t ?v?n r??liz? w? ?r? d?ing th?m.
A h?bit ??n ?l?? be th?ught ?f as a link b?tw??n a ?timulu? ?nd a response. It ??rv?? ?? a m?nt?l connection between a trigg?r thought ?r event (?timulu?) and our r????n?? t? that trigg?r (th? r????n??). R????ting this ??nn??ti?n time ?nd ?g?in forms a h?bit ?nd ?ff??t? ?ll ?ub???u?nt decisions and ??ti?n?. If r????t?d often ?n?ugh, this connection b???m?? n??r permanent unless w? t?k? ??n??i?u? ??ti?n t? ?h?ng? it.
If you are looking to make a major change in your life you must first develop the proper habits. If you do not know the proper habits necessary to excel in your field or your life, then this book is a must read!
What You Will Learn…
Th? S?v?n Littl? Habits Th?t Can Change Your Life Th? 4 M?in Causes Of ProcrastinationHow To Overcome Pr??r??tin?ti?nHow To Increase ProductivityAnd Much Much More…
So don’t procrastinate any longer! Change your life today and grab this book for only $0.99!