
Free on 27th Dec 16
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Here is a preview of what you will find in the book

At the end of your busy work days as your head lay relaxed on your pillow and your body and mind is shutting down to reset for a new day, do you ever evaluate the day that is behind you? Do you sometimes lay there and think to yourself…”What can I do differently to make tomorrow more fulfilling than today was?” Sure, we don’t always lay in bed thinking about the day past, sometimes we just fall right asleep, but when we do we usually think about the things we could have done differently. We think of “what if’s” and alternative outcomes to the decisions we’ve made throughout the day. I found myself doing just this, and I decided to make a change. I no longer wanted to think about doing things differently…I wanted to DO things differently, set new habits and ways of thinking for myself which would in turn result in a much greater feeling of fulfilment at the end of my days. As a result, I wrote this book. This book is my little secret for the world…and I am letting you in on it!

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to live better by implementing 9 positive and proactive habits into your everyday life. To most, a life changing opportunity doesn’t happen every day, but to the few who realize that the power to change one’s life CAN be found each day has perhaps already read this book. I believe that the power to change your way of living, thinking and ultimately your entire life boils down to the HABITS you have acquired over the span of your life. Therefore the life changing decision depends on your willingness to form new habits and get rid of old ones.

Habits can be equal to an entire life process. The things that you do on a day to day basis add up, and at the end of your life those things are what you have to look back to. If you just woke up, ate, gossiped, procrastinated and slept everyday then that is your life. On the other hand, if on a day to day basis you were productive, consistent, enthusiastic and happy about living life, laughing, loving and serving people, then these are the things that define your life.

Where is the thrill of living life the “easier way”? The excitement in living life arises when you treat each new day as if it were your first and last! Now the fact that you right here are reading this description shows that you have all the qualities it takes to be better than whom you are now. All it really takes is the desire to be better and to actually live life!! I am proud to say that I will be helping you through this entire life changing process.

Read the following 9 words, and as you read, think about how prevalent these 9 words are in your life


Great Job! Now that you’ve given these words a little thought, can you confidently say that each and every one of these words has a purposeful and concrete place in your everyday life? If even one of these words is lacking as a constant in your everyday life then you are reading the right book at the right time, and you are ready to take the journey that is ahead of you! We are about to delve into each of these words and unlock their plethora of life changing potential…So let’s rock and roll guys!!

Take action now and get this life changing book for only $0.99 right away!!!

Free on 27th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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