Put away the conventional thought that if you stay at your current job you are guaranteed a promotion with a new title etc. In today’s economically uncertain times this may or may not be true. How can I say this? Well I had heard time and time again
from my employers that I was next in line to become a Sales Manager, next in line to become a V.P.; I am on the “guaranteed” fast track to create a new arm for the company. Yet the position would not be available for a while or until someone had retired. In essence, I would have to wait years to grow when I had already shown my dedication, exhausted my talent for the organization, and was more than qualified. Gone are the days of our parents generation, where working at a job for 30 years yielded pride, accomplishment, financial security, and well being. We are part of the microwave generation, a generation that has access to information like no other generation before us. In this age, not being a career nomad put’s many of us at a disadvantage when it comes to career growth in a competitive economic environment. Do you agree? If so, then this book is for you.
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