We all have different definitions of beauty but one thing that stands out in many of those descriptions is hair. When your hair looks great, you feel confident and are able to style it whichever way you want. However, there are times when all that confident disappears because of our hair. Think about it; do you like it when your comb always has hair whenever you comb it? Or do you like your receding hair line? Well, I can bet that very few people around the world like that. So, if you are tired of the receding hair line, constant hair loss and anything that involves hair loss, this book is specially written for you.
This e-book looks at some of the common causes of hair loss, how to cure hair loss as well as how to avoid hair loss. You will also learn about some of the lifestyle choices that we make that make us susceptible to hair loss.
Free on 30th Nov 15 - 4th Dec 15
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